Aloe Vera & Asthma

Asthma affects one in four people on average and is present in all age groups. Asthma symptoms include wheezing, an overproduction of mucus and excessive coughing. The symptoms are the result of muscular over activity causing inflammation and mucus production. It can be triggered by allergies, emotions or stress. Most people have warning signs that an attack is coming on and can treat it with prescription medications such as Albuterol.

This disease is frightening and can force people to change how they live to avoid attacks. Some people have to avoid stress, dust or allergens, which is virtually impossible to achieve 100% of the time. Most asthmatics get attacks regularly regardless of how many prescription medications they take and how much they avoid triggers. Though asthma is not curable, the good news is that some children grow out of it. But those that don’t are usually on the hunt for anything that can help.

What if there was a way to naturally reduce the chances you will suffer from an asthma attack? One study in 2005 found that 57% of the asthmatics studied found more relief from a combination of conventional and natural treatments, than prescription medicines alone. One of the natural treatments being used was aloe vera. This is not surprising because there are published studies on the benefits of aloe vera for asthma from as far back as 1951 to more recently in the mid 1980’s.

Aloe vera contains natural steroids and other compounds that inhibit or reduce inflammation. Interestingly, the studies done in Japan in the 1980’s showed that some compounds in aloe cause in increase in the removal of particles that may be asthma triggers. This is one explanation for how aloe helps asthmatics. Aloe vera should not be used to treat an ongoing asthma attack though because it has only been shown to be effective when used as a preventative measure. So even if you use aloe and it helps, still keep your inhaler nearby for attacks.

One issue that many people have with aloe vera products is the natural laxative effect. This may be a plus for some but for many people it’s a huge drawback. Fortunately, one brand of aloe pills, Aloeride® aloe vera capsules, has removed the issue completely. Their aloe vera pills do not contain the portion of the plant responsible for the laxative effect. Plus, Aloeride® is pharmaceutical quality and is manufactured to be as pure as possible. Aloeride® is privately prescribed by doctors and therapists but also can be purchased securely via the internet.


Clement YN, Williams AF, Aranda D, Chase R, Watson N, Mohammed R, Stubbs O, Williamson D. Medicinal herb use among asthmatic patients attending a specialty care facility in Trinidad. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2005 Feb 15; 5:3.

Ianovitskii MG. Treatment of bronchial asthma with the extract of aloe leaves. Sovetskaia Meditsina. 1951 Feb; 2:27-9.

Shida T, Yagi A, Nishimura H, Nishioka I. Effect of Aloe extract on peripheral phagocytosis in adult bronchial asthma. Planta Med. 1985 Jun; (3):273-5.

Yagi A, Shida T, Nishimura H. Effect of amino acids in Aloe extract on phagocytosis by peripheral neutrophil in adult bronchial asthma. Arerugi. 1987 Dec; 36(12):1094-101.

Eczema Alternative Treatment Using Phototherapy

Phototherapy is one of the many options as an eczema alternative treatment that you may wish to pursue. However, before making a decision, you should be aware that there can be both benefits and risks to this procedure.

This eczema alternative treatment is based on sunlight therapy, which has been used for centuries to treat numerous types of skin diseases. There is more than one type of phototherapy available. Generally speaking, through this therapy, a narrow band of UV light is used to replicate the good properties that are found within natural sunlight. It is also applied in small dosages, so that your eczema skin is not irritated.

Benefits of phototherapy can vary from individual to individual. In one German study, phototherapy has been found to be effective in 80% for cases of severe atopic dermatitis. Phototherapy is also excellent in preventing bacterial infections, a common occurrence of those with atopic dermatitis. It may also significantly reduce your reliance on topical corticosteroids.

You will need a prescription for this form of eczema alternative treatment by your dermatologist. He will need to closely examine your skin. It is very important that you closely follow his recommendations. You should never start a phototherapy treatment on your own though. This is because this treatment is not right for every skin condition. Furthermore, your dermatologist will carefully monitor the amount of UV light that is used to ensure that it meets your needs and does not complicate your skin condition even further. Things such as skin type, age, skin condition and several other factors also need to be taken into consideration. This is why you should never try to treat yourself.

A phototherapy eczema alternative treatment is offered in many dermatology clinics. You would simply enter into a box-like structure that is filled with fluorescent light tubes. You will also need to wear protective goggles when inside this box. The treatment will only last between a few seconds and a few minutes. Even though this time may seem very short to you, the healing process can be noticeable in just a few days.

Of course, you may find it inconvenient to go to visit your dermatologist so often. Or due to economic reasons, you may prefer to purchase a phototherapy unit for use at home. These units are no bigger than a shower stall and are usually covered by your health insurance. They are quite similar to tanning booths, only these units give off special UV rays that are far different from tanning booths.

You should know that this eczema alternative treatment is not all that safe, either. It carries with it some risks. While phototherapy can significantly improve the condition of your skin and even completely clear atopic dermatitis, the UV light used can increase your chance to getting skin cancer or prematurely age your skin. Do also note that this form of treatment is not recommended for all cases of skin diseases. Your dermatologist will not recommend that you undergo this treatment if you develop a sun induced allergic reaction. Also, he will not prescribe this treatment to you if it can worsen your itchy skin condition.

About the Author:
Evelyn Lim publishes a newsletter on Eczema Natural Treatment. Gain access to free tips, her eczema story and reviews on natural skin care products here at